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Evolved Cape Class Patrol Boat

Cape Class Patrol Boat (Austal Patrol 58)

The Cape-class Patrol Boat (Austal Patrol 58) is a benchmark naval vessel, designed and constructed by Austal Australia, performing multiple roles for border force, coast guard and naval fleets located in Australia and the Caribbean. 

The striking 58.1 metre, aluminium mono-hull patrol boats are able to:

  • Undertake 28 day patrols, in conditions up to Sea State 4;
  • Sail 4,000 nautical miles before having to refuel;
  • Combat the full range of maritime security threats;
  • Carry a larger crew to more effectively and safely manage boarding operations;
  • Identify, track and intercept an extended range of threats in the maritime domain and gather intelligence and store evidence for matters that may proceed to the courts; and
  • Launch two Tender Response Vessels simultaneously.

Australian Border Force

Eight Cape-class Patrol Boats, for the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service (now Australian Border Force) were constructed and delivered from 2012 to 2015 (Austal hulls 361-368);

  • ABFC Cape St George
  • ABFC Cape Byron
  • ABFC Cape Nelson
  • ABFC Cape Sorell
  • ABFC Cape Jervis
  • ABFC Cape Leveque
  • ABFC Cape Wessel
  • ABFC Cape York

The vessels are deployed by the Australian Border Force to;

  • Counter people, drug and weapons smuggling;
  • Apprehend foreign fishing vessels;
  • Gather information and intelligence;
  • Monitor environmental pollution; and
  • Assist management of offshore nature reserves and marine parks.

Royal Australian Navy

In December 2015, Austal was awarded a contract to construct two Cape-class Patrol Boats (Austal hulls 380, 381) for the Royal Australian Navy at the company's Henderson, Western Australia shipyard. The two vessels, ADV Cape Inscription and ADV Cape Fourcroy were delivered to the Royal Australian Navy in April and May 2017 and are under charter to the Commonwealth of Australia (Department of Defence).

Both the Australian Border Force and Royal Australian Navy Cape-class Patrol Boats are being sustained by Austal Australia under an in-service support contract delivered through service centres located in Henderson, Western Australia, Cairns Queensland and Darwin Northern Territory.


Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard

In 2019, Austal Australia was awarded a contract to design and construct a further two Cape-class Patrol Boats for the Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard (TTCG). These vessels, TTS Port of Spain (CG41) and TTS Scarborough (CG42) were delivered in May 2021. 

The TTCG’s Cape-class Patrol Boats (Austal hulls 398, 399) were based on the proven 58 metre monohull vessels operating with the Australian Border Force and Royal Australian Navy, with a number of design customisations to meet TTCG mission requirements, including additional armament placements and crew accommodation for up to 27 persons.

Evolved Cape-class Patrol Boats - Royal Australian Navy

In May 2020, Austal Australia was awarded a contract to design and construct six 'Evolved' Cape-class Patrol Boats for the Royal Australian Navy. Less than 2 years later the company delivered the first of the Evolved Capes, the ADV Cape Otway (314), and has delivered the remaining five vessels over 2022-23;

  • ADV Cape Peron (315)
  • ADV Cape Naturaliste (316)
  • ADV Cape Capricorn (317)
  • ADV Cape Woolamai (318)
  • ADV Cape Pillar (319)

In April 2022 (then) Prime Minister The Hon Scott Morrison announced that a further two Evolved Cape Class Patrol Boats would be ordered by the Australian Department of Defence in FY2023; ADV Cape Solander (312), delivered 1 August 2024, and ADV Cape Schanck (313) launched in June 2024.

In November 2023, the Australian Government announced an order for another two Evolved Cape Class Patrol Boats, bringing the total number of vessels on order for the Royal Australian Navy to ten.

The new Evolved Cape-class Patrol Boats for the Royal Australian Navy include several enhancements that further extend the capability of the proven vessel and the fleet; with modifications developed through the in-service experience of ten Cape-class Patrol Boats already operating with the Navy and Australian Border Force throughout Northern Australia.

View or Download the Evolved Cape Class Patrol Boat Datasheet:


For more information about the Cape-class Patrol Boats or Evolved Cape-class Patrol Boats, please contact Austal Sales via email