May 2, 2015

Austal Delivers Sixth Cape Class Patrol Boat

Austal Limited (Austal) (ASX:ASB) is pleased to announce it has delivered Cape Leveque, the sixth of eight Cape Class Patrol Boats being supplied to the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service under a $330 million design, build and in-service support contract.

Two Cape Class Patrol Boats docked at Austal Australia in Henderson WA.

Cape Leveque is named after the northernmost tip of the Dampier Peninsula in the Kimberley region of Western Australia.

Austal Chief Executive Officer Andrew Bellamy said that with three quarters of the Cape Class fleet now delivered, Austal continued to demonstrate its credentials as a partner of choice for government defence vessel programs.

“The on-time delivery of Cape Leveque and continued efficiencies across the program reinforce Austal’s capability to reliably build and sustain naval and border protection vessels,” Mr Bellamy said.

“Our team at the Henderson shipyard have again demonstrated their ability to meet contracted timeframes. Delivering on time ensures that the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service can reliably continue to deliver on the Border Protection obligations it undertakes to the Commonwealth of Australia.”

The remaining two Cape Class vessels are moving into the final stages of construction and will be delivered progressively through to late 2015, in line with the contract.


Program Background

Austal was awarded the contract for the design, construction and through-life support of the Cape Class patrol boats for the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service in August 2011. The eight 58 metre aluminium monohulls are due to be delivered between March 2013 and August 2015.

The support contract extends for a minimum period of eight years and encompasses a full range of intermediate and depot level maintenance activities. Further options can be exercised by the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service for In-Service Support for the life of the Cape Class Patrol Boat Fleet.

The Cape Class Patrol Boats will have greater range, endurance and flexibility in responding to maritime security threats than the current fleet.

These vessels will also have enhanced capability to operate in higher sea states and survive in more severe conditions.

The Cape Class Patrol Boats will be able to:

Undertake 28 day patrols;

Sail 4,000 nautical miles before having to refuel;

Combat the full range of maritime security threats;

Carry an increased crew to more effectively and safely manage boarding operations;

Identify, track and intercept an extended range of threats in the maritime domain and gather intelligence and store evidence for matters that may proceed to the courts; and

Launch two Tender Response Vessels simultaneously.

Customs and Border Protection patrol boats may be deployed according to aerial surveillance, community reports and/or radar sightings.

They may be used to:

Counter people, drug and weapons smuggling;

Apprehend foreign fishing vessels;

Gather information and intelligence;

Monitor environmental pollution; and

Assist management of offshore nature reserves and marine parks.

About Austal

Austal is a global defence prime contractor and a designer and manufacturer of defence and commercial ships. For more than 25 years Austal has been a leader in the design, construction and maintenance of revolutionary ships for Governments, Navies and Ferry operators around the world. More than 250 vessels have been delivered in that time.


Defence vessels designed and built by Austal include multi-mission combatants, such as the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) for the United States Navy and military high speed vessels for transport and humanitarian relief, such as the Joint High Speed Vessel (JHSV) for the United States Navy and High Speed Support Vessel (HSSV) for the Royal Navy of Oman. Austal also designs, constructs, integrates and maintains an extensive range of patrol and auxiliary vessels for government agencies globally, including the Cape Class Patrol Boat Program for Australian Customs and Border Protection. Defence vessels are designed and constructed in Mobile, Alabama and in Henderson, Western Australia.

Austal has been at the forefront of the high speed ferry market since the early days of the industry. Our market leading designs of high performance aluminium vessels have long been at the heart of Austal’s research and development. Today, commercial ship construction is centred on our shipyard in Balamban, Philippines.


Austal has expertise in integrating complex systems into its ships, including ride control, ship management, and communication, sensors and weapon systems.


Austal provides a wide range of support services, including through life support, integrated logistics support, vessel sustainment and systems support. These services are delivered through our global support network in the USA, Australia, Asia, the Caribbean and the Middle East together with partner shipyards worldwide.

Further Information

Contact: Austal
Phone: 61 8 9410 1111
Fax: 61 8 9410 2564
